Monday, September 30, 2019

Acknowledgement of report Essay

I had sincerely expressed my ineptness & gratitude towards Max Life Insurance for giving me an opportunity to join this esteem organization for 45 days of summer training. My summer training in Max Life Insurance Kurukshetra, of duration 45 days has been quite successful. During my stay for 45 days, I had received full co-operation from employees and officers of the Max Life Insurance. The practical visualization of the summer training has helped me to understand a lot of practical things. In order to acquire myself to the task of the organization and to analyze them, I met staff who helped by their kind co-operation and guidance. During the training they have been giving the practical knowledge .I would be special thank to our college faculty (HOD) under supervision this topic. This Acknowledgement would be incomplete if I fail to express my deep gratitude towards all the facility of Kurukshetra Institute who gave me a lot of support and guidance .Last but not least I would be special gratitude to our all friends who heartening me to complete this project. PREFACE In our two year degree program of M.B.A of theirs provision for doing training, after 2nd semester. The essential purpose of this project is given an exposure and detailed outlook to the student of practical concept, which they already studied research. For this purpose, I assigned the project for the â€Å"RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION â€Å"in MAX LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. It is a matter of great privilege to get training from MAX, One of the largest organizations of its kind. I hope this report will provide an experiment outlook to the dynamic functioning in the HR DEPTT. Of this company.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Problem in the United States

Smuggling has been a problem in the United States for many years. The continuous breaching of our borders may one day allow the smuggling of something that could cause massive destruction and death to our country. It is easy to see how the smuggling of something as innocuous as a specific flower or bush can be a problem when it infiltrates the native environment and kills off many different species. But smuggling is not limited to this. There is also the continuous smuggling of drugs and people into this country that causes many problems. Although many people who are smuggled into the United States do so to work or to be with their family, there is a large percentage of them that are forced into prostitution or some other form of slavery. This paper will look at these specific cases of smuggling and determine what, if anything can be done about it. Smuggling is done for many reasons. Generally when something is smuggled, it is smuggled over an international border and it is smuggled for many reasons; either to avoid paying taxes, because the item is illegal, or, in the case of people, because they are not supposed to be there. As an example of this, it is estimated that millions of dollars worth of cigarettes are smuggled every year. These cigarettes are not necessarily smuggled into the United States from another country, but from other states, in which the taxes are low. A carton of cigarettes may be as cheap as $20 in a state like Virginia, and in states like New York, where the cigarette taxes are very high, making the total cost of a carton $75 can lead to a profit for the smuggler of about $40 per carton. The smuggling of cigarettes from one state to another is fairly simple. There are not any customs officials to pass through, and if the smuggler gets pulled over, it is very unlikely that the police officer would search his or her trunk, where the cartons may be. But getting over international borders is usually more difficult, and the smugglers have evolved certain strategies for not getting caught. One way smugglers pass over the border is with the use of small, private planes. The smuggler can fly into the country undetected, allowing whatever he is smuggling into the country. They are also small boats smugglers can use to get themselves from a specific country to the United States. These boats are known as â€Å"go-fast† boats and can be used to smuggle anything from drugs to people. And one way to smuggle that we are seeing more and more are the use of tunnels. A smuggler may hire someone to dig tunnels underground, allowing nearly anything to be passed from one country to the next without having to go through customs. More daring smugglers, however, will hide whatever it is that they are smuggling and attempt to get through customs this way. They may hide it on their bodies or under their clothes, inside themselves, in their cars, or in the bodies of animals that may be traveling with them. Like the more clandestine ways, this way of smuggling is rampant, as evidenced by the massive amount of smugglers caught each year while trying to go through customs. Smuggling has consequences for everyone. Of course, the smugglers, assuming they do not get caught, make out better than anyone. Usually the practice of smuggling is very lucrative. The profits from illegal drugs and cigarettes and the trafficking of humans provide smugglers with billions of dollars every year. As long as the profit margin is high, there will always be people illegally smuggling. The â€Å"war on drugs† must be concerned with the smuggling problem. But the question of how to win the war on drugs is an interesting one. If by winning the drug war it is meant the eradication of all drugs, then the United States has surely lost. There are still people, usually those directly involved with the drug war, that still think we should keep fighting the war as we always have been. But there has been now over a trillion dollars spent on the war on drugs and drugs today are more potent and making larger profits than ever. The people benefiting most from the war on drugs are the smugglers and the drug dealers themselves. The fact remains that all throughout human history, intoxicants have been used in one degree or another, so why would we think people today are any different? By this definition of the war on drugs the United States, on all counts, has lost. There is another way to win the war on drugs and that is to turn it into a war on smugglers and drug dealers. People are going to always be looking for ways to alter their consciousness. Everyone does it; whether you work out, or take heroin, the point is to feel better. Drugs are not going away. Drugs like marijuana and meth, which can be produced by anyone, will always be with us. By regulating drugs, and making the tax on them universal, the drug dealers and the smugglers would be put out of business. We cannot change how people feel, or what they want to do. All we can do is deter them from doing it. So the question becomes, what is the best way to deter them? We could threaten them with jail, but this obviously does not work, as nearly 80 percent of people in jail are there in some way for drugs. So we could decriminalize and regulate the drugs, putting gangs, dealers and smugglers out of business and using the profits from the sale of the drugs to educate people about their effects. This form of deterrence would be more much more humane and effective than how the war has been fought thus far.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Blowing the Truth out

I would like to first explain what whistle blowing is and detail some the following important moral issues that go along with whistle blowing. I will try to show how this could affect any one by going over a classic case of an Eastern Airlines pilot . As well as considering how an individual can protect him or herself from becoming the victim when trying to blow the whistle. Under what circumstances, if any, is whistle blowing morally justified? Some people have argued that whistle blowing is never justified because employees have absolute obligations of confidentiality and loyalty to the organization for which they work. People who argue this way see no difference between employees who reveal trade secrets by selling information to competitors, and whistle – blowers who disclose activities harmful to others. This position is similar to another held by some business people that the sole obligation of corporate executives is to make a profit for the stockholders. If this were true, corporate executives would have no obligations to the public. However, no matter what one’s special obligation, one is never exempt from the general obligations we have to our fellow human beings. One of the most fundamental of these obligations is not to cause harm to others. Corporate executives are no more exempt from this obligation than other people. Corporations in democratic societies are run with the expectations that they will function in ways that are compatible with the public interest. Corporations in democratic societies are also run with the expectations that they will not only obey the law governing their activities, but will not do anything that undermines basic democratic processes, such as bribing public officials. In addition to having the obligation to make money for stockholders, corporate executives have the obligation to see that these obligations are complied within an organization. They also have obligations to the company’s employees, for example to maintain a safe working place. It is the failure of corporate executives to fulfill obligations of the types mentioned that create the need for whistle blowing. Just as the special obligations of corporate executives to stockholders cannot override their more fundamental obligations to others, the special obligations of employees to employer cannot override their more fundamental obligations. Such as obligations of confidentiality and loyalty cannot take precedence over the fundamental duty to act in ways that prevent unnecessary harm to others. Agreements to keep something secret have no moral standing unless the secret is itself morally justifiable. For example a no person can have an obligation to keep a secret of a plot to murder someone, because murder is an immoral act. It is for this reason also that employees have a legal obligation to report an employer who has committed or is about to commit a felony. Although there are obvious differences between the situation of employees who work for government agencies and those who work for private firms, if we leave apart the special case in which national security was involved, then the same principles apply to both. The Codes of Ethics of Government Service to which all government employees are expected to conform requires that employees put loyalty to moral principles and the national interest above loyalty to the public parties or the agency for which they work. Neither can one justify participation in an illegal or immoral activity by arguing that one was merely following orders. It has also been argued that whistle blowing is always justified because it is an exercise of the right to free speech. But, the right to free speech is not perfect. An example to shout â€Å"Fire† in a crowded theater because that is likely to cause a panic in which people may be injured. Similarly, one may have a right to speak out on a particular subject, in the sense that there are no contractual agreements which prohibit him/her from doing so, but it may be the case that it would be morally wrong for one to do so because it would harm innocent people, such as one’s fellow workers and stockholders who are not responsible for the wrongdoing being disclosed. The fact that one has the right to speak out does not mean that one should do so in every case. But this kind of consideration cannot create an complete prohibition against whistle-blowing because one must weigh the harm to fellow workers and stockholders caused by disclosure against the harm to others caused by allowing the organizational wrong to continue. Further more, the moral principles that you must consider all people’s interests equally prohibits giving preference to one’s own group. So there most be considered justification for not giving as much weight to the interest of the stockholders investing in corporate firms because they do so with the knowledge that they take on financial risk if management acts illegally or immorally. Same as if the employees of a company know that it is engaged in illegal or immoral activities and do not take action, including whistle blowing, to end the activities, then they must bear some of the guilt for the actions. These in turn cancel the principles that one should refrain from blowing the whistle because speaking out would cause harm to the organization. Unless it can be shown that the harm to the employees and stockholders would be significantly greater than the harm caused by the organizational wrong doing, the obligation to avoid unnecessary harm to the public must come first. This must be true even when there is specific agreements not to speak out. Because ones obligation to the public overrides one’s obligation to maintain secrecy. If the arguments which I have just made are valid then the position of whistle blowing is never justified because it involves a violation of loyalty and confidentiality, or that whistle blowing is always right because it is an exercise of the right to free speech and is morally justified. Then the obligation a person has to prevent avoidable harm to others overrides any obligations of confidentiality and loyalty, making it an obligation to blow the whistle on illegal or unethical acts. Now that I have set down some moral ground rules that help determine if your responsible or justified in blowing the whistle on big business, I would like to share with you an example of what happened to a company and a employee of a company that has had the whistle blown on them. In this first case a pilot of eastern whistle comes clean on what he suspects to be serious design problem with the new Lockheed 1011, wide body aircraft. At the time Dan blew the whistle, he was flying regularly scheduled flights for Eastern airlines as well as being involved in flight training and engineering safety, for Eastern airlines. Mr. Gellert was also a graduate of Air Force Safety School, the Army Crash Survival Investigators coarse, and the aerospace Systems Safety, all highly regarded safety courses. The problem, which Mr. Gellert suspected, was of unexplainable crashes in a flight simulator while using the auto pilot system . The L-1011 defect involved the complex interaction between the crew and the autopilot and related instruments, which they relied upon to conduct a safe approach to a runway when landing the aircraft. Mr. Gellert became aware of the problem on a routine flight while using the L-1011. While flying the aircraft with the autopilot engaged and cruising at 10,000 feet with 230 passengers, Gellert dropped his flight plan. As he went to pick it up, his elbow hit the control stick in front of him causing the plane to go in a steep dive something that should not happen. Fortunately, he was able to grab the stick and ease the plane back on course. What had happened was that that while bumping the stick, he had tripped off the autopilot. Instead of holding the plane at 10,000 feet, it had switched from its â€Å"command mode† to â€Å"control steering†. As a result, when the stick moved forward, causing the plane to dive, the autopilot, rather than holding the aircraft on course held it in a dive. There was no warning to the pilot, such as alarms or light and the autopilot’s altimeter indicated that the plane was flying at 10,000 feet, a dangerously wrong reading. After this incident Gellert told an Eastern management official what had happened and the official replied â€Å"we’ll look into it. But three months later from the time he reported the incident an Eastern airlines flight approaching Miami International Airport crashed. The crew had used the autopilot to land the plane and it had malfunctioned crashing into the everglades. The first step that Mr. Gellert took in blowing the whistle on Eastern airlines and Lockheed was to write a two page evaluation of the auto pilots problems and send them to, Frank Borman, then vice-president of operations; Floyd Hall, chairman of the board , and Samuel Higgenbottom, president of operations. The only response was from Borman that said, it was â€Å"pure folly† that the autopilot caused the accident. He also sent two copies to the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board. ) which agreed with Gellert and asked him to testify against Eastern and Lockheed. Even with his testimony on his experiences with the auto pilot system NTSB found that a defect in the autopilot caused the crash, but attributed the tragedy to â€Å"pilot error† because the crew did not react fast enough. At this point eastern has done nothing to keep Gellert from doing his job . Until he had the same situation happened to him on two separate occasions, which prompted him to write a twelve-page petition to the NTSB as well as to top management. Gellert was immediately demoted to co-pilot. â€Å"Twice a year pilots bid on a base, a position, or a particular aircraft. † The first indication that he was being penalized by the company for his written petitions. At the same time the NTSB began to put pressure on eastern to make alterations to it’s aircraft’s. The pressure that went along with confronting eastern management forced Gillert to take a three- year leave of absence. And when Gillert decided to return to work, eastern denied him, questioning his ability to fly an aircraft concerned with his mental state. Eastern grounded Gillert indefinitely. A civil suit was filed and won by Gellert . The jury found Eastern guilty and awarded him 1. 5 million in damages, which were never paid, due to appeals. Gellert also filed a grievance to get reinstated as a pilot , which he won but Eastern refused to instate him as a full time pilot . The bottom line is that eastern was making life hard on Gillard because he wanted to do the right thing , he was aware of a problem which he tried to bring to the attention of the executives in charge . He was a dedicated employee and was only concerned about the safety of the people Eastern was flying and in turn Eastern continues to punish him and make his life extremely hard. I believe what has happened in the above summary of the Eastern airline case is that which is common among whistle blowers. Employees that decide to blow the whistle on big business for the greater good of the people are often subject to countless acts of discrimination. Employees are often demoted, pushed aside, put down ,alienated from the industry, and made their lives extremely uncomfortable for the mere fact that they tried to do the right thing. Gellert felt that the autopilot was defective yet management refused to listen, and then when it was to late and an accident occurred management didn’t want to know , because they didn’t want to except responsibility for not addressing the problem in the first place. If anything Gellert should have been rewarded for trying to prevent a disaster but instead, as is common for many whistle blowers he was punished. Employees who discover apparent wrong-doing have several options, they can turn a blind eye and continue as normal, raise the matter internally and hope for the best, blow the whistle outside while trying to remain anonymous, blow the whistle and take the full force of employer disapproval, resign and remain silent, or resign and blow the whistle. The key is minimizing the risk to you as an employee. As I have shown to blow the whistle requires a great deal of care and patience. Yet sometimes employees do not always make good judgements in the heat of the moment. Allowing himself or herself to be more vulnerable then someone who takes the time to plan and receive advice to do it right. Some simple questions will help to minimize your risk and determine if blowing the whistle is really necessary. First, make sure the situation is one that warrants whistle blowing. Secondly, you should carefully examine your motives. Third, verify and document your information. Fourth, determine the type of wrongdoing involved and to whom it should be reported. Fifth, state your allegations in appropriate ways. Sixth, decide whether the whistle blowing should be internal or external and if it should be open or anonymous. Seventh, make sure you follow proper guidelines in reporting the wrongdoing. And last you should consult a lawyer and anticipate as well as document retaliation. With all this said there is really no sure way to go about making the right choice on weather to blow the whistle or not. Employees that are forced to blow the whistle are often forced to do so because their concerns are not given fair hearings by their employers. This results in damage to both the whistleblower and the organization. Yet if wrong doing with in an organization go undetected, they can result in even in greater damage to the workforce, and the public at large. Whistle blowing is an effective way to regulate business internally and should not be discriminated against. In researching this paper it has come to my attention that whistle blowers may never have it easy. The possibility of causing career suicide should be maintained at the lowest level possible. A good indication of the how genuinely ethical our society is how organizations treats its whistleblowers. I can only hope that we will improve in the next coming century than continue on the course we have set for ourselves in the past. I strongly believe that society owes an immense gratitude to its whistle blowers and that they will soon be praised for coming forward instead of punished. Blowing the Truth out I would like to first explain what whistle blowing is and detail some the following important moral issues that go along with whistle blowing. I will try to show how this could affect any one by going over a classic case of an Eastern Airlines pilot . As well as considering how an individual can protect him or herself from becoming the victim when trying to blow the whistle. Under what circumstances, if any, is whistle blowing morally justified? Some people have argued that whistle blowing is never justified because employees have absolute obligations of confidentiality and loyalty to the organization for which they work. People who argue this way see no difference between employees who reveal trade secrets by selling information to competitors, and whistle – blowers who disclose activities harmful to others. This position is similar to another held by some business people that the sole obligation of corporate executives is to make a profit for the stockholders. If this were true, corporate executives would have no obligations to the public. However, no matter what one’s special obligation, one is never exempt from the general obligations we have to our fellow human beings. One of the most fundamental of these obligations is not to cause harm to others. Corporate executives are no more exempt from this obligation than other people. Corporations in democratic societies are run with the expectations that they will function in ways that are compatible with the public interest. Corporations in democratic societies are also run with the expectations that they will not only obey the law governing their activities, but will not do anything that undermines basic democratic processes, such as bribing public officials. In addition to having the obligation to make money for stockholders, corporate executives have the obligation to see that these obligations are complied within an organization. They also have obligations to the company’s employees, for example to maintain a safe working place. It is the failure of corporate executives to fulfill obligations of the types mentioned that create the need for whistle blowing. Just as the special obligations of corporate executives to stockholders cannot override their more fundamental obligations to others, the special obligations of employees to employer cannot override their more fundamental obligations. Such as obligations of confidentiality and loyalty cannot take precedence over the fundamental duty to act in ways that prevent unnecessary harm to others. Agreements to keep something secret have no moral standing unless the secret is itself morally justifiable. For example a no person can have an obligation to keep a secret of a plot to murder someone, because murder is an immoral act. It is for this reason also that employees have a legal obligation to report an employer who has committed or is about to commit a felony. Although there are obvious differences between the situation of employees who work for government agencies and those who work for private firms, if we leave apart the special case in which national security was involved, then the same principles apply to both. The Codes of Ethics of Government Service to which all government employees are expected to conform requires that employees put loyalty to moral principles and the national interest above loyalty to the public parties or the agency for which they work. Neither can one justify participation in an illegal or immoral activity by arguing that one was merely following orders. It has also been argued that whistle blowing is always justified because it is an exercise of the right to free speech. But, the right to free speech is not perfect. An example to shout â€Å"Fire† in a crowded theater because that is likely to cause a panic in which people may be injured. Similarly, one may have a right to speak out on a particular subject, in the sense that there are no contractual agreements which prohibit him/her from doing so, but it may be the case that it would be morally wrong for one to do so because it would harm innocent people, such as one’s fellow workers and stockholders who are not responsible for the wrongdoing being disclosed. The fact that one has the right to speak out does not mean that one should do so in every case. But this kind of consideration cannot create an complete prohibition against whistle-blowing because one must weigh the harm to fellow workers and stockholders caused by disclosure against the harm to others caused by allowing the organizational wrong to continue. Further more, the moral principles that you must consider all people’s interests equally prohibits giving preference to one’s own group. So there most be considered justification for not giving as much weight to the interest of the stockholders investing in corporate firms because they do so with the knowledge that they take on financial risk if management acts illegally or immorally. Same as if the employees of a company know that it is engaged in illegal or immoral activities and do not take action, including whistle blowing, to end the activities, then they must bear some of the guilt for the actions. These in turn cancel the principles that one should refrain from blowing the whistle because speaking out would cause harm to the organization. Unless it can be shown that the harm to the employees and stockholders would be significantly greater than the harm caused by the organizational wrong doing, the obligation to avoid unnecessary harm to the public must come first. This must be true even when there is specific agreements not to speak out. Because ones obligation to the public overrides one’s obligation to maintain secrecy. If the arguments which I have just made are valid then the position of whistle blowing is never justified because it involves a violation of loyalty and confidentiality, or that whistle blowing is always right because it is an exercise of the right to free speech and is morally justified. Then the obligation a person has to prevent avoidable harm to others overrides any obligations of confidentiality and loyalty, making it an obligation to blow the whistle on illegal or unethical acts. Now that I have set down some moral ground rules that help determine if your responsible or justified in blowing the whistle on big business, I would like to share with you an example of what happened to a company and a employee of a company that has had the whistle blown on them. In this first case a pilot of eastern whistle comes clean on what he suspects to be serious design problem with the new Lockheed 1011, wide body aircraft. At the time Dan blew the whistle, he was flying regularly scheduled flights for Eastern airlines as well as being involved in flight training and engineering safety, for Eastern airlines. Mr. Gellert was also a graduate of Air Force Safety School, the Army Crash Survival Investigators coarse, and the aerospace Systems Safety, all highly regarded safety courses. The problem, which Mr. Gellert suspected, was of unexplainable crashes in a flight simulator while using the auto pilot system . The L-1011 defect involved the complex interaction between the crew and the autopilot and related instruments, which they relied upon to conduct a safe approach to a runway when landing the aircraft. Mr. Gellert became aware of the problem on a routine flight while using the L-1011. While flying the aircraft with the autopilot engaged and cruising at 10,000 feet with 230 passengers, Gellert dropped his flight plan. As he went to pick it up, his elbow hit the control stick in front of him causing the plane to go in a steep dive something that should not happen. Fortunately, he was able to grab the stick and ease the plane back on course. What had happened was that that while bumping the stick, he had tripped off the autopilot. Instead of holding the plane at 10,000 feet, it had switched from its â€Å"command mode† to â€Å"control steering†. As a result, when the stick moved forward, causing the plane to dive, the autopilot, rather than holding the aircraft on course held it in a dive. There was no warning to the pilot, such as alarms or light and the autopilot’s altimeter indicated that the plane was flying at 10,000 feet, a dangerously wrong reading. After this incident Gellert told an Eastern management official what had happened and the official replied â€Å"we’ll look into it. But three months later from the time he reported the incident an Eastern airlines flight approaching Miami International Airport crashed. The crew had used the autopilot to land the plane and it had malfunctioned crashing into the everglades. The first step that Mr. Gellert took in blowing the whistle on Eastern airlines and Lockheed was to write a two page evaluation of the auto pilots problems and send them to, Frank Borman, then vice-president of operations; Floyd Hall, chairman of the board , and Samuel Higgenbottom, president of operations. The only response was from Borman that said, it was â€Å"pure folly† that the autopilot caused the accident. He also sent two copies to the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board. ) which agreed with Gellert and asked him to testify against Eastern and Lockheed. Even with his testimony on his experiences with the auto pilot system NTSB found that a defect in the autopilot caused the crash, but attributed the tragedy to â€Å"pilot error† because the crew did not react fast enough. At this point eastern has done nothing to keep Gellert from doing his job . Until he had the same situation happened to him on two separate occasions, which prompted him to write a twelve-page petition to the NTSB as well as to top management. Gellert was immediately demoted to co-pilot. â€Å"Twice a year pilots bid on a base, a position, or a particular aircraft. † The first indication that he was being penalized by the company for his written petitions. At the same time the NTSB began to put pressure on eastern to make alterations to it’s aircraft’s. The pressure that went along with confronting eastern management forced Gillert to take a three- year leave of absence. And when Gillert decided to return to work, eastern denied him, questioning his ability to fly an aircraft concerned with his mental state. Eastern grounded Gillert indefinitely. A civil suit was filed and won by Gellert . The jury found Eastern guilty and awarded him 1. 5 million in damages, which were never paid, due to appeals. Gellert also filed a grievance to get reinstated as a pilot , which he won but Eastern refused to instate him as a full time pilot . The bottom line is that eastern was making life hard on Gillard because he wanted to do the right thing , he was aware of a problem which he tried to bring to the attention of the executives in charge . He was a dedicated employee and was only concerned about the safety of the people Eastern was flying and in turn Eastern continues to punish him and make his life extremely hard. I believe what has happened in the above summary of the Eastern airline case is that which is common among whistle blowers. Employees that decide to blow the whistle on big business for the greater good of the people are often subject to countless acts of discrimination. Employees are often demoted, pushed aside, put down ,alienated from the industry, and made their lives extremely uncomfortable for the mere fact that they tried to do the right thing. Gellert felt that the autopilot was defective yet management refused to listen, and then when it was to late and an accident occurred management didn’t want to know , because they didn’t want to except responsibility for not addressing the problem in the first place. If anything Gellert should have been rewarded for trying to prevent a disaster but instead, as is common for many whistle blowers he was punished. Employees who discover apparent wrong-doing have several options, they can turn a blind eye and continue as normal, raise the matter internally and hope for the best, blow the whistle outside while trying to remain anonymous, blow the whistle and take the full force of employer disapproval, resign and remain silent, or resign and blow the whistle. The key is minimizing the risk to you as an employee. As I have shown to blow the whistle requires a great deal of care and patience. Yet sometimes employees do not always make good judgements in the heat of the moment. Allowing himself or herself to be more vulnerable then someone who takes the time to plan and receive advice to do it right. Some simple questions will help to minimize your risk and determine if blowing the whistle is really necessary. First, make sure the situation is one that warrants whistle blowing. Secondly, you should carefully examine your motives. Third, verify and document your information. Fourth, determine the type of wrongdoing involved and to whom it should be reported. Fifth, state your allegations in appropriate ways. Sixth, decide whether the whistle blowing should be internal or external and if it should be open or anonymous. Seventh, make sure you follow proper guidelines in reporting the wrongdoing. And last you should consult a lawyer and anticipate as well as document retaliation. With all this said there is really no sure way to go about making the right choice on weather to blow the whistle or not. Employees that are forced to blow the whistle are often forced to do so because their concerns are not given fair hearings by their employers. This results in damage to both the whistleblower and the organization. Yet if wrong doing with in an organization go undetected, they can result in even in greater damage to the workforce, and the public at large. Whistle blowing is an effective way to regulate business internally and should not be discriminated against. In researching this paper it has come to my attention that whistle blowers may never have it easy. The possibility of causing career suicide should be maintained at the lowest level possible. A good indication of the how genuinely ethical our society is how organizations treats its whistleblowers. I can only hope that we will improve in the next coming century than continue on the course we have set for ourselves in the past. I strongly believe that society owes an immense gratitude to its whistle blowers and that they will soon be praised for coming forward instead of punished.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Madeline Leininger Middle Range Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Madeline Leininger Middle Range Theory - Essay Example These insights introduced a phenomenon related to nursing called cultural care nursing. This theory addresses the cultural dynamics influencing the nurse-client relationship. This gives the theory uniqueness because it focuses on features of nursing, and it studies and explains the outcome of the nursing care (McEwen & Wills, 2011). Describe Why You Believe This Theory Is a Unique Nursing Theory Based On Your Application of the Criteria from the Text Culture care theory has contributing features that make it a unique theory. This theory, launched in 1950s remains the oldest nursing theory. It focuses solely on the interrelationship of care and culture of a person’s health, well being, death, health, and illness. It also focuses on comparative cultural care. Through its multidimensional and holistic nature, the theory developed multifaceted culture based care practices and meaning. It focuses on global, cultural care diversities and universalities. The theory also incorporates a designed research method called ethno nursing. In addition to its three action modes, the theory has practical and abstract features that help in delivering a cultural congruent care. Most of all, the theory focuses on professional and generic culture care, worldview related data, social structure factors and ethno history in a variety of environmental contexts. The theory originated from the theorist’s diverse and extensive anthropological insights, nursing experience, values, creative thinking and life experiences that immensely contribute to use and study. These features of the theory make it a powerful tool for new practices and knowledge in healthcare contexts (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2009). Describe the Origin, and Background of the Theory and Theorist Born in Nebraska in 1948, Madeleine Leininger received her nursing diploma from St. Antony’s School of Nursing, Denver, Colorado. In 1950, she received her undergraduate, and in 1954, she received her Master†™s of Science in Mental Health and Psychiatry. She received her PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology in 1965. Throughout her career, she acknowledged the importance of care in nursing. She received frequent appreciations from patients she gave care. While working in a children’s guidance home, she experienced a cultural shock from the recurrent behavior of children on a cultural basis. She identified care and culture knowledge as the link in nurse’s ability to comprehend the variations in patient care and support of healing, compliance and wellness. In 1950, the knowledge, she acquired helped her develop the phenomenal culture care nursing. Culture care theory originated from Leninger’s experience and knowledge in the role of capabilities of culture in nursing (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2009). Leninger considers the theory to be a middle range theory because it has dimensions for assessing the total nursing picture. However, it has comprehensive and holistic capabilities for a broader nursing practice application than traditionally expected of a middle range theory. The theory provides harmonious care measures for groups or individual’s practices, values and beliefs. The primary goal of the theory lies on cultural congruent care. The culture care theory resulted from the theorists devoted consciousness and an ever changing world in which the individuals interact with

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Quick Response (QR) Codes Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Quick Response (QR) Codes - Coursework Example This particular code is quite widespread in several nations throughout the globe including Japan and Germany and is gaining popularity in terms of execution by a greater level (Petersen, 2012). With this concern, this paper intends to present the advantages along with the disadvantages regarding the execution of QR codes. Advantages and Disadvantages of QR Codes After acquiring a brief idea about the notion of QR codes, it can be viewed that QR codes possesses certain advantages along with disadvantages. Today, this particular code is widely adopted and executed in every operational field or industry such as healthcare for the purpose of mitigating any adverse situation. In accordance with the scenario provided, it can be observed that it is the emergency workers in Marin Country who are largely using this particular advanced technology i.e. QR codes in order to save an extensive figure of lives in emergency situations. This technology i.e. QR code is often considered to be â€Å"ne w-fangled technology† which has proved to be quiet effective in healthcare segment. Prior to discussing about the advantages and the disadvantages of QR codes, it is quite indispensable to acquire a brief idea about the facets of QR codes. In this regard, QR codes are quite cost-effective and any individual can effectively use a QR code for the purpose of addressing any situation. ... It is widely accepted that QR codes are typically adopted and exploited especially with the intention of tracking humans in terms of recognizing different information systems and image-processing (Yeo, Pan, Lee, & Chang, 2012). Specially mentioning, certain decisive facets of QR codes such as massive storage capacity and fast readability can prove to be much advantageous for individuals along with organizations. With regard to analyzing the advantages along with the disadvantages of QR codes, it can be noted that QR codes have replaced the utilization of 2D barcodes that were invented in the early period of 1990s. QR codes were mainly invented and incorporated in the year 1994 which has resulted in lessening the usage of 2D barcodes by a significant level. The major advantages of QR codes include its provided facility to store several sorts of valuable information and reveal precise data. In terms of advantages, it can be stated that unlike other barcodes that require to be read with certain output services such as physical scanners, QR codes can be perceived by a mobile device facilitating the users to perform different functions effortlessly (Furht, 2011). On the other hand, certain disadvantages of QR codes entail limited compatibility, the requirement of greater knowledge about advanced technological advancements, security issue and the existence of several competitors that are performing similar functions. Amongst these mentioned disadvantages, the most crucial concern is the security issue which affects personal safety at large. It can be stated that the use of QR codes will remain much restricted if an individual possesses little amount of knowledge with regard to accessing the indispensable

Edgar Allen Poe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Edgar Allen Poe - Essay Example This relationship between the brother and sister is further examined in terms of the dominant sibling holding sway over the weaker brother. The night of the storm, Roderick is seen in the narrator’s room. â€Å"His head had dropped upon his breast †¦ he rocked from side to side with a gentle yet constant and uniform sway† while he seems aware that Madeline, buried alive in the crypt below, has been struggling for many days to escape her tomb. â€Å"Long – long – long – many minutes, many hours, many days, have I heard it – yet I dared not – oh, pity me, miserable wretch, that I am! – I dared not – I dared not speak! We have put her living in the tomb!†. While Roderick is incapable of facing his ghastly mistake in order to rectify it, Madeline appears in the doorway with â€Å"blood upon her white robes and the evidence of some bitter struggle upon every portion of her emaciated frame†. The terror of her appearance is made all the more ghastly as one considers how the two men struggled over the casements that had enclosed her body, the heavy iron door that had blocked her tomb and the completely sealed quality of the dungeon in which she was placed. More than requiring superhuman strength to overcome the several days’ worth of airlessness that she had endured since being buried, Madeline required additional superhuman strength to throw off the heavy, bolted lid of her coffin and tear open the locked door of her cell in order to appear in the narrator’s room that evening. â€Å"Mistakenly we ask these creatures, ‘What do you want?’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Realist Approach to Foreign Policy in Syria Research Paper

Realist Approach to Foreign Policy in Syria - Research Paper Example oreign relations strategies that self interest and are chosen by a country to safeguard their national interest so that they can achieve goals within their international relations. The strategies employed here are in relation to other countries and as such interact with those countries (Hinnebusch, 2002). This paper therefore seeks to analyze the realist approach to foreign policy in Syria; what do/would Hans Morgenthau and John Mearsheimer says about that; how they would interpret it; and why. Further the paper will give a brief conclusion on the subject issue – foreign policy. In relation to the US foreign policy in Syria, there in deed exist two contrasting sides in the debate. They are the realists and the ‘declinists’. The realists see the policy as one that favours the implementers understanding their interest while the declinists think otherwise. Obama’s administration could be engaging in a very guarded but also genuine diplomacy with this country Syria. Is it an issue of great powers having a sphere influence? The use of fight to end a fight or rather fighting a war with the intention of preventing or ending one is what the other side sees. These two opposing sides seeks argue their sides based on their observations and analysis of the foreign policy in Syria. The foreign policy seams a well thought idea and the resultant outcomes can be assessed from the point of view of the enforcers. However, an analysis of the realist approach to foreign policy in Syria has a lot to reveal. The realist theory supports the idea that foreign policy as an amoral field needs an approach that has a pragmatic power considerations in relation to national interests and not a pursuit to goals that are a nations ideals (Mearsheimer, 2014). In the Middle East, Syria as a country has been a critical power in maintaining a balance. The realist theory, believes that states should act in accordance to their vital needs and not institutions or international norms they

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Biochemistry Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biochemistry - Case Study Example This lactate is normally takes back to liver where it would convert back into pyruvate and glucose through process of gluconeogenesis. This glucose is transferred back again muscle and the cycle is completed. In the process of reconversion of glucose six ATP molecules are consumed and hence there is net loss of 4 ATP’s in one cycle. (Â  Nelson 2005). If this whole process was to occur in muscle only, than there would be excessive loss of energy and muscle wasting just as it was seen with the patient in clinical presentation. There would be net loss of energy instead of production and lactic acid would ultimately start accumulating in the muscle causing lactic acidosis. Moreover, ATP consumption would be faster than its production, some ADP would also be converted into AMP which is ultimately lost in urine and all these are signs of chronic fatigue syndrome or mitochondrial disease. ( Sarah Myhill 2009). A hypothetical defect in pyruvate dehydrogenase or Isocitrate dehydrogenase or ÃŽ ±-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase can prevent increase in ATP generation because these enzymes produce NADH in citric acid cycle which is equivalent to 2.5ATPs. Moreover, Succinate dehydrogenase deficiency can also cause this defect since it produces FAD which is equal to 1.5ATPs. These enzymes can greatly damage the production of ATP through. The concentration of NAD+ is maintained in body and it is reconverted and regenerated through other biochemical procedures that occur inside the cell like citric acid cycle (Nesbitt V 2011). NADH and FADH2 from citric acid cycle get used in electron transport chain and undergo oxidative phosphorylation where they use oxygen and converted ADP into ATP by using a molecule of phosphate as well. This is how citric acid products are converted into ATP. Coenzyme Q10 plays a central role in oxidative phosphorylation of cell. It has a very unique role in electron transport chain and is basically lipid soluble and maintains the proton

Monday, September 23, 2019

Big 4 Writing Samples Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Big 4 Writing Samples - Personal Statement Example My father’s employees were people of very high intelligence and their dedication to work helped my father’s business thrive. The customers that patronize us daily also taught me some lessons about life; my father’s business enjoys a daily influx of customers and while we try to satisfy our customers, I discovered that human needs are insatiable. Working with my father’s employees and trying hard to please our customers was really challenging. These has become my greatest accomplishment as I am well-equipped to deal with problems, no matter the complexity. The challenges I faced with my father’s customers would help me cope with the problems I would have to solve in the Big 4 accounting firms. It would also make my work a lot easier. I believe that I have the necessary skill and experience to join the great team of the Big 4 accounting firms. I am also optimistic that working in the Big 4 accounting firms would help me get to the peak of my career. I am ready to give my best to the Big 4 accounting firms and would also contribute to the growth of the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Agro Processing Industries Essay Example for Free

Agro Processing Industries Essay Rural Entrepreneurship through Agro-Processing Industries Mrs. P. Geetha, Lecturer in Economics, Sri GVG Visalakshi College for Women, Udumalpet, TamilNadu, India In India there are about 6. 3 million villages and 340 million workers in rural unorganized sector who contribute 60% of national income. About 75% of populations who live in villages have to utilize the village resources. In rural areas mainly three types of economic activities are being undertaken. These activities are: primary, secondary and tertiary activities. When we talk of rural development, the emphasis is on the development of agriculture, industry, trade and service sectors. Among these activities, agriculture till now is the main occupational activity in the rural areas as most of the population depends on agriculture for their livelihood and employment. A small stimulation will dynamite the rural economy and lead to improved quality of life. Rural areas must try for better utilization of human resources to improve the rural economy. Promoting agro-based industries, cottage and small-scale industries would serve the purpose of rural entrepreneurship development. Importance of Agro-Processing Industries Agro processing could be defined as set of techno economic activities carried out for conservation and handling of agricultural produce and to make it usable as food, feed, fibre, fuel or industrial raw material. Hence, the agro-processing industry is regarded as the sunrise sector of the Indian economy. Properly developed, agro-processing sector would not only encourage rural entrepreneurship but also can make India a major player at the global level for marketing and supply of processed food, feed and a wide range of other plant and animal products. Categories of Agro – Industry i) Village Industries owned and run by rural households with very little capital investment and a high level of manual labour. Ex. pickles, papad, etc. ii) Small scale industry characterized by medium investment and semi-automation. Ex. edible oil, rice mills, etc. iii) Large-scale industry involving large investment and a high level of automation. Ex. Sugar, jute, cotton mills, etc Prospects The agro processing sector offers scope for development of several industries such as solvent extraction, oleoresins, kinnow/orange juice, malt extracts, floriculture and a host of other items.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Using Human Cadavers As Crash Test Dummies Philosophy Essay

Using Human Cadavers As Crash Test Dummies Philosophy Essay Using human cadavers as test dummies? Is it necessary or a waste? Many people are for, and many people are against using human cadavers as crash test dummies. Some reasons people are for using human cadavers as crash test dummies is because it is cost beneficial, they get the most accurate feedback from the crash, and utilitarianism. Some reasons people are against using human cadavers as crash test dummies is because the golden rule, religion, and people could be using the human cadavers for better reasons. Do the pros outweigh the cons? Ill let you be the judge of that. The people that are for using human cadavers as crash test dummies have a good argument. They have strong points that gravitate toward them. One reason people are for using human cadavers as crash test dummies is because it is cost beneficial. Many families have problems paying for the funeral service; therefore they may not have one at all. The average price for a funeral today is seven thousand dollars, and that is on the lower end. So the question is why put yourself in a great deal of debt when the body can be used for a better cause? Some people also have a funeral service and still donate their body. This is still saving the family about four thousand dollars for the grave site, tombstone, etc. Using human cadavers as crash test dummies is also cost beneficial because the average test dummies cost at least ten thousand dollars. This is a cheap crash test dummy and isnt as high tech as some facilities would need. By donating a persons body to science they are saving the family a nd the facilities a lot of money and these people believe it is for a good cause. Another reason people are for using human cadavers as crash test dummies is because they get the most accurate feedback. By using an actual human body it shows the automobile world what a real human can take. The people that work with the human cadavers use crushing force or speeds to see what our bodies can take. They also drop ball bearings on the skulls of the human cadavers and drop the bodies at different heights down an elevator shaft. Many people argue against this case and say that they can us one human cadaver to find the crushing force or speeds, then once they know use the crash test dummies. However, the people from this angle argue back that the real thing is always better then a stand-in and theres always going to be different things that can break different things. Therefore they would need more than just one human cadaver. Back when cars were first created they used to be very dangerous. At very low speeds the car crashes were many times fatal. By the use of human cad avers they have made cars safer so more people survive. Since testing with human cadavers, every year since nineteen eighty seven at least eight thousand and five hundred lives have been saved. The bringing up of seatbelts and airbags there was a need for human cadavers. They needed to test with human cadavers to see how much force we could take. The people that are for using cadavers argue that crash dummies are excellent, and should be used. However they arent one hundred percent accurate because only the human insides can tell us how much they can take. A third reason people are for using human cadavers as crash test dummies are because utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the idea that the moral worth of an action is determined by its utility to bring happiness or meaning in others lives. The people that believe this are strongly for donating your body to science after death. By doing this you are greatly affecting many peoples lives in a profound way, which increases your moral worth greatly. Every time someone donates their body to science a huge number of lives are saved by that one person. If they were not a hero before they died, that has made them one immensely. Eight thousand and five hundred lives are saved each year by people who have donated their body to science. By getting their body used as test dummies increases their worthiness a lot. It may not sound glamorous or appealing at all but if you think about the long run, how many people you are saving it is a good deed that Im sure will be greatly appreciated by many. Besid es, youre not using it anymore, why not let it be used for a good cause that makes you look good? Many people that are against using human cadavers as crash test dummies argue that it is not respectful. However, the people managing the body are very respectful with what happens to it and how it is handled. One way they do this is by keeping the face covered up. By doing this it gives the cadaver a great deal of privacy. Through this process the identity of the person is not revealed at all. They use letters and numbers to identify the cadaver and no one knows who the person is. The process by which they go through is also not gory at all. In the book they number the cadaver as UM 006 as the identifier of the cadaver. The scientists are the most respectful they can be while still doing their job. Although there are many points for positives of using human cadavers as crash test dummies there are still many people against the issue. These people have many reasons for this and believe it is not something that people should do with the donated bodies. There are many reasons why. Some reasons are; the golden rule, their religion, and the fact that the bodies could be used for something better. For this reason, human cadavers are a greatly discussed in the science world. There is a great debate between many. One reason people are against using human cadavers as crash test dummies is the golden rule. The golden rule is something we have been told our whole life. It states that people should treat others the way they would like to be treated. Would you like to be tossed around in a car without any control? I didnt think so. Many people see this as very disrespectful toward the dead. The main respect should go to the family. After someone is dead the family should get a state of peace. The body being jostled does not give the family peace. It is not respectful for the family to have to deal with the not knowing of where the body is, or what is happening to it. Also, when the donors sign up for body donation they do not know where their body is going. They have no say at all, which is something that many people disagree on. They believe the consent should have more options. In the book it tells us that in 1978 John Moss investigated the issue deeply. He tried very hard to make the use of cad avers for this reason unavailable. His reasoning was personal repugnance. A second reason many people are against using human cadavers as crash test dummies is because of their religion. Some people believe that if their body is not in whole then in after-life it will not be either. Also some religions are against this and their believers will stay with them. They also think that when a body dies the soul should be put to rest, but how is it put to rest when its used for crash testing? They also dont agree with the consent forms and believe they are lying or deceiving which is something religions do not support. A third reason is that many people believe the body of the donors could be used for something better and more helpful to the people. Their thinking process is that there are many trainees that are going to be doctors, shouldnt they get more practice? They dont see the point in wasting bodies on crash testing when the medical world is growing and needing more and more bodies. People understand that cars need to be safe however they know that they have tested enough human cadavers so that they know the speeds that can harm a human, and they could use dummies to make the cars safer. They also think that if people are more cautious then there will be fewer crashes because cars today are very safe. But the medical world is also going to be getting new doctors so they are in a constant demand of cadavers. They just want the bodies to be used for better reasons. Mary Roachs book did a great job of showing what happens when the human cadavers are used as crash test dummies. Her book was always very accurate about what happens to the bodies. One thing she was right about was the fact that Wayne State University was the first to test human cadavers as crash test dummies. This book tells in detail what happens to the human cadavers as they are in this process. All of the things she says are correct. She is very factual and shows a lot of evidence to support her theories and the things that she says. In conclusion there are many reasons people are for and against using human cadavers as crash test dummies. Some reasons people are for using human cadavers as crash test dummies is because they receive more accurate feedback, its cost beneficial, and utilitarianism. Many people are also against the use of human cadavers because the golden rule, religion, and because the bodies could be used for better things. Each perspective makes a good argument. Do you like the book? Mary Roachs book was a very interesting read. It told me a lot of facts that I did not know. I did find someone of the things she compared things to very disturbing (chicken noodle soup, Rice Krispies, etc.). I did not know that the donated bodies were used for so many things. One thing I was very shocked about was the body farm. I also dont completely agree with the body farm. I dont see what the point in it is even after I read that chapter. The things that happen to a decaying body however were fascinating. Mary Roach did a great job at giving factual information for people to learn more about the subject matter. I believe that the things they do with cadavers are worth the arguments people put against them. The use of cadavers has saved many lives; for example, many lives have been saved by the crash testing, medical uses, etc. I also believe that some things that people did in the past were uncalled for. One thing that supports this is the transplantation of heads. This is not s omething that is realistic and its not a main need. The money spent on that could have been used for something that was needed. For the most part I did enjoy the book. I enjoyed learning everything Mary Roach had to say and it made me second guess people donating their bodies.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay - Physician Participation in the Death Penalty

Physician Participation in Administration of Death Penalty is Legitimate The question has been raised whether it is moral for a physician to participate in the administration of the death penalty. This is an issue that many professionals in the field have strong opinions about, regardless of their own personal beliefs about the death penalty in general. Physicians are traditionally practitioners of the healing arts; is using this knowledge to put someone to death a corruption of their professional ethics? In order to fully understand the issues surrounding physician participation in the death penalty, it is necessary to explore three main areas of analysis. First, we must survey the ethical justification for the death penalty. If the death penalty itself is morally unjustified, then physician participation in it is, by definition, wrong. Secondly, justification of the death penalty aside, do condemned criminals retain a right to health that the death penalty would violate? Finally, we will examine the special duties of the physician - even if the death pe nalty in general is justified, is there perhaps a subtler breach of ethical duties by inviting physician participation in the process? Ethical Justification Returning to our first sphere of inquiry, is the death penalty justified -- does it violate a prisoner's human right to health? Traditionally, two main explanations for the death penalty have been offered - deterrence and vengeance. The evidence on deterrence is doubtful at best. On the one hand, statistics do not indicate the existence of a significant deterrent effect. A United Nations committee studying capital punishment found that "the data which now exist show no correlation between the existence of capital... ...viewed as a healthy relationship. For those doctors who believe in the death penalty, there should be no sanctions for participating in a legal procedure, which they are doing for the best interests of society, and in the name of justice. Conclusion By examining the justifications behind the death penalty and the human rights criminals retain upon being convicted of a felony, we were unable to deduce any legitimate grounds upon which physicians, or any health personnel, should be excluded from participating in executions. While some physicians would argue that participation by doctors in administering the death penalty amounts to a betrayal of the very precepts of medicine, I have attempted to provide an alternate perspective on the situation. Just as no doctor should be compelled to assist in an execution, no doctor should be banned from doing so, either.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Domitian :: essays research papers

Domitian was born in Rome on Pomegranate Street 0n October 24th AD51. He was the second son born to the future emperor Vespasian. Domitian’s older brother was named Titus. Even when very young Domitian was of the opinion that he should be treated like a god. “Throughout Domitian’s early years and adolescents, the family’s status remained high, but progress was most marked in the 60s.'; (Jones, 1992) One example of the family’s good fortune was that they inherited a great deal of money. This allowed them to gain access to the imperial court, as well as granting them senatorial rank. In order to accomplish this four different families became one family which enabled Domitian to gain power. “Domitian’s brother Titus, now in his mid-twenties, found a suitable wife in Arrecina Tertulla and it seems that Domitian’s first cousin Sabinus the third had also married into the same family, selecting one of Arrecina’s sisters. Unfortunately, Arrecina soon died and Titus sought a second wife. Marcia Furnilla, daughter or niece of Vespasian’s amicus Barea Soranus, was an excellent choice, with consular senators in her father’s and mother’s family.'; (Jones, 1992) Domitian was an educated person, although it is unknown where he got his education. He loved to write and wrote poetry. His poems were very sensitive no matter what the topic. Later on Domitian even wrote and published a book about baldness. Apparently, Domitian was interested in many different types of literature. People often said that he spoke intelligently, and made memorable comments. In his later years, Domitian began to read Tiberius’s commentaries. He established a way of thinking and developed his own ideas on standards and morals. Around 70 AD Domitian married Domitia Longina, the daughter of the great general, Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo. They had lots of troubles in their marriage. The couple had one child, but the child died at a very young age. In 83 AD Domitian wanted nothing to do with his wife and dismissed her. “Later, she was recalled to the palace where she lived until Domitian’s death.'; ( Domitian inherited the empire when his brother suddenly died after ruling for only two years. He became Roman Emperor in 81AD which fulfilled his lifelong dream. He was now able to follow in his father and brother’s footsteps as emperor. When he was emperor he traveled outside of Rome many times. He was said to be a hostile ruler.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

An Assessment of College Students’ Attitudes and Empathy Toward Rape Es

An Assessment of College Students’ Attitudes and Empathy Toward Rape Methods: The study is a descriptive cross-sectional survey implemented to assess students' attitudes toward rape and empathy toward survivors of rape. A pilot study using 30 college students with a two-week interval was used to establish reliability of the ATR and RES. Subject's birth day, month, and first three digits of their phone numbers were used as identifiers for the retest portion of the pilot study. A two-tailed t test was performed comparing test scores across the 2-week interval. Statistical analysis found a 1.0 correlation for demographic data, .91 alpha reliability coefficient for the ATR, and a .80 alpha reliability coefficient for the RES. Therefore, the ATR and RES were deemed reliable for the study. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to assess rape attitudes and empathy levels of college students in a selected university setting in North Texas. Sample: A total sample of 300 subjects was needed to ensure representation within a confidence interval of 95% and .05 sampling error. The sample was drawn from the following courses: from the College of Business Administration, the course "Principles of Real Estate" provided 107 subjects; from the College of Arts and Sciences, the course "U.S. History to 1865" provided 89 students; from the College of Education, "Family Life/Human Sexuality" and "Health Emergency/First Aid" were selected, providing 110 subjects. Hypotheses: 1. Students who either have known a rape survivor or have themselves been a survivor of rape, will express more rape-intolerant attitudes toward rape and greater empathy levels toward rape survivors than students who have not known a rape survivor or have been the survivor of a rape. 2. Students with female siblings will report more rape-intolerant attitudes toward rape and greater empathy toward rape survivors than students without female siblings. 3. Female students will have more rape-intolerant attitudes toward rape and greater empathy levels toward rape survivors than those of their male counterparts. 4. Students over the age of twenty-six will demonstrate more rape-intolerant attitudes and greater empathy levels toward rape survivors than the students under the age of twenty-six. Variables: The dependent variables are attitudes toward rape and empathy toward rape ... ...homosexuals. Implications: In future research, it is recommended more exploration of the parameters of men's reactions to female-initiated coercion. A major question raised by this study is how forceful does a situation have to be before men respond negatively to female sexual coercion. This could be answered in a study in which the vignettes are varied by high levels of force. It is speculated that men's responses would also be influenced by sexual outcome of the situation (e.g., oral sex or intercourse) and physical appearance of the initiator (e.g., attractive or unattractive). Because the present study indicated that both men and women anticipate high psychological harm from a same-gender advance, the dynamics of these interactions should also be investigated by further vignette research. Limitations: The major limitation of the present study is that it assessed reactions to hypothetical coercion situations, not actual incidents. Whether victims' reactions to actual coercion will parallel findings of this study can only be determined by more research. However, the present study may serve as a source of ideas, variables and proposed relationships for future investigations.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Energy Needs Essay

Fracking or hydraulic fracturing is a method used to extract valuable gasses from rock formations in the earth. Some of these gasses include shale gas, tight gas and petroleum. In South Africa fracking is used to extract shale gas in the Karoo. Shale gas is a natural gas that forms when air is captured in rock formations under the ground. It is one of the main reasons why hydraulic fracturing is used. Shale gas is used especially in America. In 2000 shale gas made out one percent of America’s energy producers but in 2010 it replaced over 20% of America’s natural gas resources. There was claimed by experts that South Africa has the fifth biggest shale gas resources in the world while China has the biggest. There is hoped that this gas could be an alternative resource of energy for South Africa’s growing need. That is why the eighteen-month moratorium for the use of fracking, to extract shale gas, was lifted. Even though this could be a great opportunity for our country the damage caused to our environment would be far greater than the little energy it would produce. When fracking is used to extract this gas, water, harmful chemicals and sand is pumped into the fractures of the rock formation. Manmade machines mostly make these fractures that drill holes into the rocks over three thousand meters deep. When this mixture of the water, sand and chemicals reach the shale rock formations hidroxide gasses are released inside the rock. These gases are than captured and used for the generation of electricity. No one can say that fracking does not have a huge impact on the natural environment. Unluckily I am not too sure that it is a positive impact. The chemicals and toxins used in fracking are released into the scarce  underground water of the Karoo, making the water polluted and unusable. Harmful emissions are also released into the air when extracted causing a greenhouse effect on the environment. A study shows that 3,6 to 7,9% methane is released into the atmosphere after fracking has taken place. Even the use of shale gas causes air pollution. The fact that fracking causes allot of pollution cannot be missed. It was even banned in France because of all the pollution it would have made. Because of the negative effect of pollution on the environment, in this case air and water pollution, I can’t understand why such a thing was allowed. For me as part of a new generation it is more important to use clean alternative energy rather than to use short-term solutions with financial benefit just to cause the earth to decline faster.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The War over How Content Providers

The other opponents are the large electrification companies and the Internet Service Providers who will be referred to as Sips. These companies have a new business plan that if allowed to be implemented by the FCC will change the way Content Service Providers Caps and the end users, which are anyone using the internet today, will have their data routed and how they must pay for it. What will happen if the large Corporations win this â€Å"War† and how will it affect the status quo that we've all become used to as the Internet standard? Net Neutrality: The War over How Content Providers and Users Will Pay for Speed andRoutes of internet traffic. What is the real problem being debated? The new laws governing internet traffic if passed will give the large Sips the right to dictate how internet traffic is routed, and how they will charge the content service providers (Caps) and Internet end users (Sis's). Net neutrality has been a core principle of the Internet since its inception . According to (Vogue, 2014) Internet service should be very similar to telephone service. As an analogy, the phone company cannot make the connection poorer if they do not like the person you are ailing.The Sips and the large telecommunication companies don't like this concept and are working very hard to change it. Advocates of this policy are licking their wounds because the FCC recently reported they would likely leave Broadband services deregulated. Many activists for this movement had hoped that the Obama administration would not allow Internet Service Providers (Sips) to charge individuals by the amount of bandwidth they consume (Hudson, 2010). â€Å"Does this threaten freedom and openness on the Internet as net neutrality activist's claim? How would et neutrality impact future investments in broadband?Here are two opposing views on the issue† (Hudson, 2010). It seems as if the favoritism game has begun. A group of Internet service providers, mainly Commas has already begun to raise, and overcharge certain websites for their service. Yet other service providers who are a subsidiaries of theirs, like Hull who provide the same types of service have not had their fees increased (Cry, 2014) This is a growing concern of AN supporters. What is net neutrality? Law professor Www (2003) coined the term â€Å"net neutrality'. Lawrence (Lessee, 2001, p. 68175) can trace the idea of Internet neutrality back to the open access movement that was lead.The debate on AN centers on the potential consequences of network owners exercising control over the data traffic in their networks. The meaning of â€Å"control† can mean anything from blocking certain types of traffic (Www, 2007), to termination fees (Lee & Www, 2009), to offering preferred services to customers willing to pay a fee for it (Hahn & Wallet, 2006). To date, there is not a generally accepted definition of AN. Consumer rights groups have among others; put a strict definition f AN forth. The i nternet has developed at a tremendous rate of speed. It provides users with a platform for information, entertainment, and communication.The role of content providers has shifted to an essential gatekeeper position on the information superhighway. â€Å"Therefore, the public and politicians alike are concerned about how Internet service providers (Sips) are going to noontime access and usage of the networks in the future. The discussion on the future of the Internet is known as the net neutrality (AN) debate† (Kramer & Warrior, 2013, p. 1). Definition 1 Strict Net Neutrality. Net neutrality prohibits Internet service providers from speeding up, slowing down or blocking Internet traffic based on its source, ownership or destination.As mentioned above, the Sips are already planning to implement these prohibitions in their networks. This will endanger the â€Å"openness† of the Internet that has been the standard since its inception. (KerrГmere & Warrior, 2013). Defin ition 2 How AN Applies To Service Providers. â€Å"Net neutrality usually means that broadband service providers charge consumers only once for Internet access, do not favor one content provider over another, and do to charge content providers for sending information over broadband lines to end users. (Hahn and Wallet, 2006) The Pros and Cons The Cons: Sips can block any derogatory statements said about their company. They can block peer-to peer technologies, even those used by software developers used to enhance and grow technology. They can also block certain â€Å"Blobs† because of deals they have made with other higher paying â€Å"Blobs†. Just to name a few, and this list is growing by the day. If the Sips continue with the new business model they have landed they will not only change the face of the internet as we know it, they will lose all trust in the public and customer relations will suffer greatly.No one will trust or buy service from a company who wants t o undermine an institution standard that's been in place since its inception. Most customers will lose trust in them and the customer relations departments of the Sips will be working overtime to try to regain the publics trust and convince them to come back and be a loyal customer once again. I myself hope that it sparks a whole new line of smaller ISP startups who will epithelial on the publics distrust and resentment of the large Sips for betraying the publics trust.If I had the capital, I would start an ISP that would NOT use the new business model they so desperately want to implement. I am sure any company who could do this would grab a huge share of the market. The pros, which in my opinion are few and far in between, and are practically meaningless in my opinion. Congress claims its Constitutional authority to set interstate communications policy, the Constitution's protections, and court precedent, as well as encourage private investment and innovation Just proves Congress' bipartisan Internet policy.It fails to keep a competitive free market, which is not hampered by government regulation. Congress also claims it respects the rule of law, and it also encourages public and Private Corporation's to get the fastest broadband to all Americans under the National Broadband Plan. Smoke and mirrors I say. Legislation, Regulation, and Constitutional Rights Since 2005, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been working towards a set of principles that will ensure the open and interconnected character of he Internet, a restriction to try to avoid the biased term AN.The FCC is seeking to maintain the current status quo and has followed the presented views in this section. There exist several examples of Sips that have blocked voice over IP (Poop) traffic, which is in competition to their regular telephone service. The most prominent example is that of Madison River Communications, which was subject to an investigation by the FCC in 2005 for exactly suc h practice. The case was settled under the old common carrier powers of the FCC, which applied at that point in time o DSL service (c. F. FCC, 2011).Traffic management techniques may be used by the ISP to avoid or limit traffic that, in their view, generates nothing but higher costs. Here, the most prominent example is that of Commas, the largest cable company in the US, which was subject to scrutiny by the FCC in 2008 because it had restricted the flow of peer-to-peer (APP) traffic. The FCC issued a cease or desist order against Commas in 2008, which was overturned by the US Court of Appeals in 2010, because it was found that the FCC has failed to tie its assertion of regulatory authority to an actual law enacted by Congress (McCullough, 2010).In its final Report & Order from December 2010, the FCC adopted the following AN framework. Definition 3 FCC. â€Å"A person engaged in the provision of fixed broadband Internet access service, insofar as such person is so engaged, shall 1 . Transparency â€Å"C†¦ ] publicly disclose accurate information regarding the network management practices, performance, and commercial terms [†¦ ]. â€Å"(FCC, 2010, Section 54) 2. No Blocking not block lawful content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices, subject to reasonable network management. (FCC, 2010, Section 63) 3.No Unreasonable Discrimination not unreasonably discriminate in transmitting lawful network traffic over a consumer's broadband Internet access service. † (FCC, 2010, Section 68) The FCC acknowledges the usefulness of reasonable network management, but also says that pay for priority arrangements will raise significant reasons for concern (FCC, 2010, Section 76). They also said that transparency and competition are the main remedies to ensure AN. It is also important to note that wireless network services are not subject to the restrictions of network management.The main reason for this is the competition between wireless network oper ators. Because the effect of competition is still unclear, it is going to be interesting to see whether the PC's AN ruling, which took effect on November 20, 2011, is going to lead to changes of the fixed and wireless networks in the US. The New FCC Rulings In January 2014, the DC Court of Appeals agreed with Verizon and said that the FCC cannot stop Internet service providers from blocking or discriminating against websites or any other Internet traffic unless the Internet is reclassified as a public utility.However, the court also said the FCC does have some authority to implement net neutrality rules as long as it promotes broadband deployment across the country. On May 1 5, the FCC voted to move forward with their proposed rules for net neutrality, the principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally. The proposal, which is now open for public comment for four months, would dramatically change the Internet. The new rules would allow Internet service providers (Sips) like Verizon or AT&T to charge websites like Backbone and Twitter for faster service.This as a whole range of consequences for all avid Internet users. (Miranda. 2014) The Public Fear The public AN debate it is related to the fear that Sips may be in the position to limit the freedom of speech. Sips could block access to politically controversial (but legal) information, or shut down websites of unwanted organizations, Ex. The websites of labor associations to prevent an assembly of workers (Austin, 2005) Evidence of such practices is not necessarily true, because it will almost certainly cause a loss of reputation for the Sips.It seems obvious that such limitations of freedom of speech would be addressable by constitutional law of the respective country. However, people are aware that there are remarkable differences in the legal basis for preserving free speech online. The Other Side of the Coin Opponents say that strict AN would be taking a step backwards from the status quo of the Internet. If any network management practices are forbidden it could lead to congestion problems at peak times, which could only be counteracted by over provisioning of a networks capacity.In any case, Sips' revenues would be reduced because business models that rely on managed services, like PIPIT, could not be liable offered anymore. The likely result of this strict interpretation of AN would be that consumer prices for (full) Internet access will increase, or that the rate of investments in network infrastructure is reduced which will reduce the SO (Quality Of Service) we are all accustomed to. They also claim that customers with limited needs for internet access will not have the opportunity to purchase these services if they want to.Vice-president of the European commission Nellie Zeroes who said that â€Å"requiring operators to provide only full internet could kill innovative new offers Even worse, it could mean higher prices for those consumers with more limited needs w ho were ready to accept a cheaper, limited package† (Meyer, 2011). Conclusion In general what all of this means is that the Sips have an agenda to create a new business model. If the laws are changed that currently govern internet traffic, it can, and will change the way Internet access is routed and how the users are charged for it.However, for now, they are gunning for the website owner/operators or Caps (Content Service Providers) as they are also called, who provide content to the end users. Specifically the large Caps who rely on fast data transfer rates to provide customers with the services they offer. For Ex. Nettling which is a company that offers subscribers a service that allows them to instantly stream TV shows and movies would be put out of business if they did not agree to pay for their data to travel in the so-called â€Å"fast lane†.This type of service relies heavily on the fast transmission of data packets across a network in order to provide uninterru pted service. If the Sips and large telecommunication companies get their way they can restrict certain kinds f data/traffic at their discretion and direct it into the â€Å"traffic lanes† of their choosing. They wish to divide the Intervention into predetermined lanes of slow, medium, and fast data transfer speeds. Then charge Caps (Content Service Providers) according to the speed that they want, or essentially need their data to travel at.Step 2. Focus on the accuracy of the assumptions and conclusions. I used the scoring guide and the instructions for the assignment to ensure that I have met the requirements and feel confident with my submission. Step 3. Break the problems into workable parts. I used the discussion posts and suggestions of the other classmates as well as the instructor's comments to tackle each perceived item that was recommended to me that needed revision.I approached this by looking at them as a whole and then breaking them down and working on them one at a time. Step 4. Do not guess or Jump to conclusions. I feel I did not Jump to conclusions by using the many credible sources and references to Justify my conclusions used in my draft. Step 5. Employ meaningful self-dialogue throughout the process, including written or drawn prompts as well as spoken words. I'll be quite honest here I still have not mastered how to accomplish this step.I do not talk out loud to myself but do talk silently to myself while writing to make sure my words sound correct and flow nicely together, so in a sense I guess I do implement this process in that way. Step 6. Briefly describe what it felt like to go through the process. Going through this process is a constant learning experience for me. I'm realizing that as my paper develops I find my steps of using the critical thinking process are beginning to change. I'm not sure if this is a good thing but I have noticed a difference in my processes from the beginning until now.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Homework At A Secondary School Education Essay

The purpose of this survey is to happen out the pupils attitude towards prep, particularly towards the English prep at a secondary school. The research was conducted in one of my categories. The participants are pupils are all in grade 7. In malice of larning in the same category, each member of this category has a different degree of English proficiency and has different motives in larning English. I do this research with a hope that after the research, I can derive some certain cognition and experiences in order to assist myself and my every bit good as my co-workers in taking the best manner of giving prep which will accomplish maximal engagement from pupils in carry throughing their prep.Introduction:Background Information:I am a instructor of English at Long Thanh secondary school – a secondary school in a distant inland in Kien Giang Province, Vietnam. I have four categories with an norm of 35 pupils per category. After old ages of instruction, I realized that there was a phenomenon happening twelvemonth after twelvemonth: during the first hebdomads of the semester, my pupils ‘ prep was fulfilled with high frequence than the ulterior hebdomads. After the first month of the school-year, I discovered the fact that a batch of pupils repeatedly neglected to make their prep and normally did ill on most of the trials. Then I reminded them many times ; I called to their house to speak to their parents about this job and told their form- instructor. Occasionally, my pupils would look with prep in manus, but most of the times they appear with merely alibis. Why? It may be at the beginning of the school-year, my pupils might hold less prep and prep possibly easy for them to make, or they merely wanted to delight their instructor. After some hebdomads, they had so much prep from other topics to make every bit good, or they must go to extra-classes, or they felt bored with their English prep. I was really at a loss. I wondered why my pupils did non make plenty English prep. I wanted to cognize more about my pupils ‘ attitudes towards the English prep. I wondered if my pupils did non understand something in the prep or the instructions of the prep were non clear plenty or the prep was excessively hard. What can I make to assist my pupils? After old ages of learning English in secondary school, I face the job that instructor ‘s function is to give prep, and a pupil ‘s function is non to make it! † Due to this fact, I wonder if we should halt giving prep in learning English to secondary pupils. The reply is perfectly â€Å" no. † No 1 can deny that prep is indispensable for scholars in deriving better cognition. It gives scholars chances in acquiring exposed to the new linguistic communication and helps them review their memory of the old learnt linguistic communication. When carry oning this research, I hope that this survey will cast visible radiation on giving prep. It can assist me happen out techniques to help pupils ‘ consciousness about the value of prep every bit good as promote them to carry through their day-to-day prep with more involvement.Background of learning English in Vietnam:In Vietnam, English is taught as a foreign linguistic communication and it is besides one of the compulsory topics at estate schools. Mr. Canh ( 2001 ) remarked that although Vietnamese English instructors presents have a positive attitude to communicative methods, they feel limited in the execution of communicative instruction in their English schoolrooms for several grounds. Communicative linguistic communication instruction is excessively hard in Vietnam, where the instructor ‘s degree of English is low, the categories are excessively big, edifices, furniture, and other agencies are basic, and merely low support can be provided for stuffs, libraries, and other consulting services. The new instruction attack requires new cognition and accomplishments. Teachers are frequently required to pass more clip on making the extra readying, but there are excessively many demands on instructors ‘ clip. Teachers seldom have entree to the input and resources of the mark linguistic communication at secondary schools. Not a individual secondary school in Vietnam has ELT resources and stuffs available to instructors. Normally, there are merely some types of instruction stuffs which are available to Vietnamese instructors. They are text editions, a few practical English grammar books, some instructors ‘ manuals, some cassette – participants and some lexicons ( normally, those lexicons are excessively old and non up to day of the month ) . Not merely do pupils seldom have a opportunity to take portion in meaningful acquiring in touch with native English talkers but besides instructors face the same job. With such a awful English linguistic communication input environment, how can Vietnamese instructors of English keep their English ability off from being fossilized? They themselves have jobs in acquiring in touch with aliens. As a consequence, most of Vietnamese instructors tend to utilize Grammar-Translation Method in learning English in secondary. Furthermore, Vietnamese instructors ‘ wont is reading and of the pupils is composing. Teachers normally combine Grammar-translation Method with the Audio-lingual Method in learning. They ever try all their best to cover everything from the text edition. Besides, they are disquieted about an â€Å" over- prepared lesson program † or â€Å" under – prepared lesson program † . In this instance, pupils merely listen to their instructors ‘ account and transcript everything that is taught.Literature ReviewMotivation in larning linguistic communications:Motivation is the key to success in making anything, particularly in larning linguistic communications. Secondary pupils, out of sight of their instructors, normally find it hard to hold self-awareness. Language research workers divided motive into two basic sorts: integrative motive and instrumental motive. Harmonizing to Crookes and Schmidt ( 1991 ) â€Å" integrative motive is the scholar ‘s orientation with respect to the end of larning a 2nd linguistic communication. It is characterized by scholar ‘s positive attitudes towards the mark linguistic communication group and the desire to incorporate into the mark linguistic communication community † . Hudson ( 2000 in Norris-Holt 2001 ) stated that â€Å" instrumental motive was the desire to obtain something practical or concrete from the survey of a 2nd linguistic communication † . That is the desire to acquire a better occupation or a publicity ; to go through an scrutiny ; and to read materialsaˆÂ ¦ Harmonizing to Reilly ( 1994 ) , motive is enhanced when larning ends are made clear and when undertakings are sequences and linked in ways that make sense to scholars. Nunan ( 1991 ) said that the good foreign linguistic communication scholar found ways of triping his or her linguistic communication out of category. Liu and Littlewood ( 1997 in Zhenhui 2001 ) pointed out that â€Å" traditionally the instruction of EFL in most East Asiatic states is dominated by teacher-centered, book-centered, grammar-translation method with an accent on rote memory. † These traditional English linguistic communication learning methods have resulted in a figure of typical manners. Most pupils receive cognition through their instructor ‘s conveying instead than they themselves discover it. Students receive cognition instead than construe it. They normally wait for rectification from the instructor throughout their acquisition procedure. What about the instructors? They tend to give everything to their pupils through what they pour on the chalkboard. The chief ground for this linguistic communication survey is a necessity for my pupils to derive accomplishment in scrutinies. Due to the fact that the scrutinies are structured, about all schools in Vietnam are forced to educate their pupils in such a mode that they can make the scrutiny every bit good as possible. These tests are strict trials which required pupils to hold cognition of both extended vocabulary and grammatical constructions in order to make these trials successfully.Why do we necessitate to give pupils homework? The positive and the negative effects of prep:Depending on what facet of the prep statement we are on, prep can hold both positive and negative effects on pupils.The positive effects of prep:Homework plays an of import function in learning linguistic communication to our kids. Goldstein and Zentall ( 1999 ) have stated as the followers: Homework is of import because it is the intersection between place and school. It serves as a window through which we can detect our kids ‘s instruction and show positive attitudes towards our kids and their instruction. For instructors and decision makers, prep is a cost effectual manner to supply extra direction in pattern. The most common intent of giving prep is to assist pupils rehearse what they have already learnt in category. Homework is besides used to reenforce acquisition every bit good as to assist pupils master specific accomplishments. Preparation prep is besides a measure of presenting stuffs which will be presented in the following lessons. There are 10 grounds for instructors to give prep to pupils. Teachers give prep in order to revise classwork, to consolidate and pattern classwork, to widen linguistic communication cognition, to derive farther accomplishments pattern, to fix for the following category, to complete off work started in category or to salvage category clip for more communicative activities, to let pupils to work at their ain gait, to let us to look into that pupils have understood what we have tried to learn, to name spreads in pupils ‘ cognition, and to get farther linguistic communication, manner, and so on, from extended accomplishments work. There are 4 grounds for non completing prep. Students frequently claim: â€Å" I had excessively much prep. † ; â€Å" It was tiring. † ; â€Å" I forgot. † ; or â€Å" I did n't understand how to make. † Cooper ( 2001 ) found one more positive academic consequence of prep: betterment of attitudes towards school. Giving prep benefits us, the instructors, every bit good. â€Å" Homework improves instructors ‘ ability to cover the course of study and acts as a sort of span between the last lesson and the following 1 † ( Weisenthal et al. , 1997 ) .The negative effects of prep:The Official US – Department of Education Website besides province that excessively much prep can do pupils experience bored. Puting excessively much prep can maintain pupils off from taking portion in free clip and fall ining community activities. Other negative consequence of prep is that it can take to unwanted character traits if it promotes rip offing, either through the copying of assignments or aid with prep that goes beyond tutoring.The sum and the nature of the prep undertakings:Cooper ( 2001 in Nelms 2008 ) recommends: That all pupils should be given prep but that it should be limited by a orderly expression: no more than ten proceedingss per dark multiplied by the pupil s grade degree. In other words, a 2nd grader should hold no more than 20 proceedingss of prep all together per dark ; a 12th grader, no more than 120 proceedingss, or two hr. Young kids should hold shorter and more frequent assignments because they have short spans of attending and demand to experience they have successfully completed a undertaking. To better the job of giving prep, there are some experiences from linguistic communication research workers. On the Official US Department of Education Website, they found that to assist pupils with clip direction, we should assist them set up a fit clip each twenty-four hours for making prep. Do non allow them go forth prep until merely before bedtime, most of them wait until the last minute. We should hold them make the difficult work foremost. We must learn pupils the manner they learn. ( Dunn and Dunn, 1978 ) . In short, it is the occupation of pedagogues to maximise the benefits of prep and minimise the â€Å" cost † .